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10 Amazing Tech Inventions Of 2016

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1. Shoes That Tie Themselves( Nike HyperAdapt 1.0)

When wearers press a button near the tongue, the HyperAdapt 1.0s automatically tighten and loosen around their foot. And although this technology may sound frivolous, it’s not just for kicks: simplified shoe fastening could give athletes an edge during competition, and it’s especially useful for people with impaired motor function. “We’re already seeing powerful feedback” from the disabled community, says Tinker Hat, head of Nike's design team!


2. Self Balancing Scooter( Hoverboard)

The electric hoverboard is not a new invention, it was first used during mid 2014 and was launched 2015, but many people didn't get to know of till the year 2016 and except you've been living under a rock lately, you have most likely seen these cool new toys that have become extremely popular with celebrities and everyday people. It is able to go at a speed around 8km/h – 20km/h (depending on the model), it is also lightweight, smart and easy to move, and fun to ride. Some nice features of this amazing tech invention are;

  • It runs on batteries
  • Eco-friendly
  • Easy to maintain

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3. Tires That Spin In Any Direction

Goodyear is reinventing their wheels. Its spherical concept tire, which debuted in March, allows cars to move in many new ­directions, including sideways into a parallel parking space and at specific angles and speeds to counteract slippery surfaces. The key, says Sebastien Fontaine, an industrial designer at Goodyear, is magnetic levitation: whereas traditional tires are bolted to cars, the Eagle 360s hover beneath them, free from “the limits of [traditional] steering.” To be sure, these tires won’t hit pavement anytime soon: they’re meant for self-­driving cars that are likely at least five years away. In order to shift the status quo, says Fontaine, “we need different companies working with us, together.”

4. China's Heavenly Space Station

When China’s newest astronauts, Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong, arrived in orbit earlier this year, they docked at some impressive digs. Specifically: the orbital laboratory Tiangong-2 (Heavenly Palace 2), which is more than 34 ft. long and nearly 14 ft. wide and includes an exercise area and a medical-­experiment bay. Yes, that’s all modest compared with the multimodule International Space Station (ISS), which is roughly the size of a football field, but it’s a remarkable machine all the same. China, after all, built Tiangong-2 on its own, just over a decade after launching its first man into space; the ISS is a collaboration among 15 nations, including space veterans like the U.S. and Russia. China’s next move: launching the core module for a much bigger space station, set to happen sometime in 2018.

5.Apple Airpods(Wireless)

Apple has a history of changing the technological status quo, from digitizing music to making phone screens touch-­sensitive. One of the best!. So when the tech titan announced that its iPhone 7 would not have a 3.5-mm headphone jack, which has been standard on most audio gadgets for decades. Unlike many of their Bluetooth predecessors, Apple’s AirPods not only have microphones (enabling you to control your phone via Siri) but also can detect when they’re in your ears—­allowing you to automatically pause music, for example, if you pop one out to have a conversation. But their most convenient feature may be automatically pairing with an iPhone, which eliminates the need to dig through settings menus. they cost about 159.9$(USD).

6. A Personal Air Purifier(Wynd)

No matter where you live and work, you’re breathing in chemicals and pollutants, some more dangerous than others. And while changing that norm will take years, if not decades, of policy work, there are interim solutions. Among them: Wynd, a portable air ­filter—­roughly the size of a water ­bottle—that creates a clean-­climate bubble by sucking up pollutants in your immediate vicinity, including ones that can contribute to cancer and heart disease. “What we breathe matters,” says Ray Wu, creator of Wynd, which raised more than $600,000 on Kickstarter and should be commercially available next year. “We want to enable everyone to enjoy a healthy air environment, no matter where they live or travel.”

7. LG Oled Curved Display

It has the ability to be rolled like a news paper. it  has a 1200*880 PPI resolution. This is good for e-readers.

8. Smart Freezer(LG signature)

LG recently released the signature', this freezer opens when you stand close to it.Tech-invention-smart-freezer

9. Satan II Nuclear missile

The RS-28 Sarmat rocket "is capable of wiping out parts of the earth the size of Texas or France," Russian state news outlet Sputnik reported in May.
The image was published by the Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau on its website.
Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borsiov said the Sarmat warhead was capable of destroying targets flying across both North and South Poles, Russian state news agency TASS reported Tuesday.The missile will have a range exceeding 11,000 kilometers (6,835 miles), TASS said. The missile will have a range exceeding 11,000 kilometers (6,835 miles), TASS said. The warhead will weigh 100 tons and is designed as a successor to the R-36M Voyevoda.

According to a statement posted on the maker's website, "the Sarmat is designed to provide strategic Russian forces with a guaranteed and effective fulfillment of nuclear deterrence tasks" and is being co-developed with the Russian military.

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